We finally took a family vacation! Well we've been on vacation before, but this was our first real trip with just the kids. We piled in the car and drove up to Bend Oregon for some fun in the snow. The weather had actually been unseasonably warm leading up to our visit, but we got lucky. The first day we arrived, there was what they call an "inversion". It caused the sky to look grey and the temperatures to drop and we ended up with our own Winter Wonderland!
We finally took a family vacation! Well we've been on vacation before, but this was our first real trip with just the kids. We piled in the car and drove up to Bend Oregon for some fun in the snow. The weather had actually been unseasonably warm leading up to our visit, but we got lucky. The first day we arrived, there was what they call an "inversion". It caused the sky to look grey and the temperatures to drop and we ended up with our own Winter Wonderland!